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Surgery Options

The weight loss surgical team at DHR Health Bariatric and Metabolic Institute is pleased to offer three unique weight loss procedures. Select one of the options to learn more about what we can do.


Is Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Surgery Right for You?

As a caring and compassionate organization, DHR Health Bariatric and Metabolic Institute offers the resources and tools you need to learn more about gastric sleeve surgery and other weight loss procedures.

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Minimally invasive, faster recovery time

Gastric sleeve surgery is a simpler procedure to perform, resulting in lower complications and faster recovery times.

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Rapid and reliable weight loss

It does not require any on-going adjustments which are required with other procedures. However, regular follow up is necessary to ensure weight loss is appropriate and intake is nutritionally adequate.

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Great dietary quality of life

You can still eat most of your favorite foods with no worry about suffering from a side-effect called dumping syndrome. There will be satisfaction with smaller portions of food.


Is Gastric Bypass Surgery Right for You?

When you come in to DHR Health Bariatric And Metabolic Institute you’ll be given a full exam to determine if weight loss surgery is the right fit for your needs. The Roux-En-Y gastric bypass procedure is generally available for patients who are obese and unable to lose weight rapidly through traditional dieting.

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With laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery patients can lose an average of up to 80% of their excess body weight with the most dramatic weight loss occurring in first year after surgery. These types of sensational Roux-en-Y gastric bypass results are what makes this the most prevalent form of bariatric surgery.

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Lowered Risk of Diabetes

Obesity is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This risk is usually reduced with the amount of weight loss that can be achieved after a gastric bypass operation.

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Improved Quality of Life

Lower back pain, knee damage and joint pain associated with excess body weight may also improve.

Lose Weight,
Gain Life

If you are clinically obese and non-surgical methods such as dieting, exercise, behavior modification, and medication have failed to achieve long term weight loss, bariatric or weight loss surgery may be the answer. Weight loss isn’t easy, and for patients who are obese and suffering from weight-related medical conditions, surgery can be the best possible way to reclaim your life.

Bariatric surgery is designed to help patients lose weight rapidly while improving or resolving co-existing health problems, like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Weight loss surgery has shown outstanding success and has a proven record of remarkable weight loss. After recovery, many patients see immediate results, allowing for a better quality of life within a matter of months. A majority of patients are able to lose between 30% and 70% of total body weight within one year following surgery, providing a safe, effective, and efficient way to put yourself back on the right track.

Benefits of surgery are not only dramatic weight loss and resolution of weight associated medical problems, but also a marked improvement in lifestyle. Our staff of experienced and qualified surgeons perform three of the most advanced surgical weight loss options at Doctors Hospital at Renaissance Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, providing those in need with an expert resource for weight loss.

What is morbid obesity?

Morbid obesity affects over one third of the American population, decreasing life expectancy and causing numerous health issues in addition to affecting quality of life. If you meet the following criteria, you may be morbidly obese and a potential candidate for weight loss surgery.

  • More than 200% of your ideal weight, or 100 lbs or more overweight
  • Body Mass Index of 40 or greater
  • BMI of 35 or greater with one or more severe weight-related conditions

Are you a candidate for weight loss surgery?

Weight loss surgery may seem like a magic solution to a long lasting struggle, but not everyone is qualified to undergo a surgical procedure. In order to reduce risks and minimize the opportunity for complications, doctors have assembled a list of criteria patients must meet prior to beginning the surgical consultation process.

Requirements for surgery also go beyond physical expectations. Weight loss surgery is a serious emotional undertaking, and success requires dedication and drive. In addition to living with biological changes, successful patients must also be prepared to commit to a lifelong shift in health and wellness routines.

The ideal candidate for weight loss surgery should:

  • Be healthy enough to undergo a major operation
  • Absent of drug and alcohol problems
  • Be without uncontrolled psychological conditions
  • Be able to understand surgery and the associated risks
  • Be dedicated to a lifestyle change
  • Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than or equal to 35 with significant co-morbid conditions
  • Have a BMI greater than or equal to 40 with or without co-morbid conditions

Benefits &
Expected Results

Weight loss surgery is intended to improve quality of life by drastically reducing body weight. In most patients, this is the expected outcome, but there may be other benefits associated with a safe recovery. Successful surgery goes beyond simple weight loss; with counseling and an effective procedure, patients are able to build confidence, live healthier, and improve life expectancy.

  • Following bariatric surgery, most patients resolve or improve their weight-related conditions (Buchwald, et al JAMA Oct 2004)
  • Excess weight loss varies with procedure (see the options above)
  • Length of time to return to normal activities can vary from patient to patient
  • Quality of life improved in 95% of patients

If you feel you are a candidate for a weight loss surgery option, sign up for one of our bariatric surgery seminars or contact us today for more information.