Preparing for
Bariatric Surgery
Weight loss surgery is a life-changing treatment for chronic obesity that requires patients to commit to specific diet and exercise guidelines. Preparing for bariatric surgery involves learning about each of the weight loss surgical options, understanding the potential risks and complications with each procedure, and developing a clear plan for your success.

Understanding Your Options
Here at the DHR Health Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, our team of skilled, experienced bariatric surgeons perform three distinct types of weight loss surgery – ReShape® Dual Weight Loss Balloon, gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy), Roux-En-Y gastric bypass and revisional surgery
If you are considering bariatric surgery, start by signing up for our complimentary weight loss seminar. During the seminar, you’ll hear from our bariatric surgeons, learn about how each procedure works, and have an opportunity to ask specific questions about our services.
Once you have participated in our weight loss seminar, you can schedule a one-to-one consultation with one of our doctors to discuss whether bariatric surgery is the right treatment option for you.
Personalized Pre-Surgical Support
An important part of preparing for bariatric surgery is education – that’s why our bariatric surgery team will take the time to select the weight loss procedure that is right for you. We’ll review your medical history, learn about your lifestyle and goals, and perform a series of tests to identify any medical issues that could impact the outcome of your weight loss operation.
Because obesity is a complex disease that involves all aspects of your life, preparing for bariatric surgery may involve meeting with our psychiatrist to explore issues related to emotional eating that may impact your success following weight loss surgery. We’ll help you identify unhealthy eating patterns, learn how to cope with pressure from friends and family members, and develop the support system you need throughout your weight loss journey.

Pre-Surgical Weight Loss
Some weight loss surgical procedures require patients to lose some excess weight prior to their surgery. If your surgeon prescribes a pre-operative diet, our team of registered nurses, dieticians, and board certified obesity medicine physicians will provide you with comprehensive monitoring, support, and guidance throughout your pre-surgical treatments.
Contact Us to learn more about preparing for bariatric surgery here at DHR Health Renaissance Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, contact us at 956-362-5673. We’re here to help you achieve the best possible results from your weight loss procedure.