At Doctors Hospital at Renaissance’s Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, patients have access to a number of weight loss surgeries including the laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, more commonly known as the lap band surgery. This is a commonly effective procedure that restricts a person’s ability to take in excessive amounts of food and limits the body’s ability to absorb it.

What Is the Lap Band Surgery?
The LAP-BAND surgery is done using laparoscopic methods, which means several small incisions are made in the abdomen of the patient rather than a single large one. Because it is minimally invasive, the procedure can be highly effective and less risky than other procedures requiring an open surgery.
After making the incisions, doctors use small instruments to implant an inflatable, silicone band along the upper part of the stomach. This band creates a very small pouch that restricts the amount of food the stomach can hold. The band also slows down the emptying process of the stomach to the intestines with the creation of a smaller outlet. As a result, the patient feels like he or she is fuller longer. And, smaller amounts of food satisfy the hungry feeling. As a result, the patient takes in fewer calories and loses weight.
What Are the Expectations of the Lap Band Procedure?
As a laparoscopic procedure, patients will recover faster. Generally, a patient may only have to remain in the hospital one or two days after having lap band surgery. Some patients require a longer hospital stay due to complications or the patient’s ability to rebound. Additionally, most patients are back to normal activities within two weeks.
The laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery is one of the least invasive procedures because it does not involve the cutting of the intestines like other weight loss surgeries. However, doctors may need to adjust the band from time to time to ensure the patient continues to see progress in weight loss. This is done by inflating or deflating the band from an interior surface. The first six months to a year will require numerous appointments and adjustments to ensure proper weight loss occurs in a safe manner. These adjustments are outpatient and done in an exam room in most cases. They are not painful.
Is Lap Band Right for You?
When you come in to see our caring and supportive staff, we’ll help you examine all of your options for gastric bypass surgeries and weight loss procedures. Our team will help you determine if the benefits of lap band surgery is the right option for you based on your health and your ability to tolerate the procedure. Many patients report outstanding results with the lap band and, in situations where problems arise, it is completely reversible. Call our offices today at 956.362.5673 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and learn whether the lap band surgery is the right option for you.
Register For One of Our In-Person Seminars
There are a couple of ways to begin your journey. You can attend a bariatric seminar – either in-person or online – and if you are not yet ready for a seminar, you can proceed without registering for either.
Our In-Person Bariatric Seminars are held several times a month in various locations. At the Seminar, you will listen to one of our surgeons as they describe morbid obesity and the surgical options used to treat this disease. There will be time at the end for questions and answers. The Seminar is designed to provide you with all the information needed to make an informed decision about weight loss surgery, and usually lasts between one and one half hours. You are encouraged to bring a support person with you to this Seminar.
Education is a large part of a successful bariatric procedure. With so many options to consider, a thorough understanding of the bariatric procedure is critical to finding an opportunity that’s best for you.
At Doctors Hospital at Renaissance Bariatric and Metabolic Institute, we’re dedicated to helping you make the right decisions for your health. With our in-person weight loss seminars, you can explore exactly what our facility has to offer. Ask questions, get answers, and meet our team!